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Dupont (BE)


10.08€ / L

Incl. VAT + 0.08€ deposit/pfand

Style: Belgian Witbier
ABV: 5.5%
Size: 250ml
Format: Bottle

This organic Belgian witbier is brewed from a blend of wheat and barley malt that characterise a “white” beer. Its smoothness makes it particularly popular.

In addition to hops, Dupont also add coriander and orange peel to the wort during the boiling process.

This light beer, with its shimmering colour, has a lovely flowery nose (freesia) with notes of spice and citrus (orange). There isn’t much bitterness on the palate, and Blanche du Hainaut is slightly acidic, goes down very easily and is delightfully refreshing.

Drink it chilled as an aperitif or with a light meal. The winning combinations: Blanche du Hainaut with fish in sauce, a range Asian dishes, and sweet and sour sauce!

Flughafenstr. 49
12053 Berlin

MON / FRI: 17:00 - LATE
SAT / SUN: 15:00 - LATE