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Bellwoods (CA)


37.64€ / L

Incl. VAT + 0.08€ deposit/pfand

Style: Foeder-Aged Sour Pale
ABV: 6.1%
Size: 500ml
Format: Bottle

A blend of pale ales aged in American oak foeders.

No. 27 is THE perfect golden sour. Fermented with a mixed house culture, aged in oak foeders, and conditioned in the bottle sans dry hop, fruit, or adjuncts.

The end result is lambic-esque with bright, fruit-forward acidity. 


Barn Owl is a series of one-off creations that are released sporadically throughout the year, just as soon as Bellwoods deem the barrels ripe for the picking.

Flughafenstr. 49
12053 Berlin

MON / FRI: 17:00 - LATE
SAT / SUN: 15:00 - LATE