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Bottle Logic (US) & Odd By Nature (US)


73.44€ / L

Incl. VAT + 0.08€ deposit/pfand

Style: Barrel-Aged Donut Stout
ABV: 12.8%
Size: 500ml
Format: Bottle

Stroll right into a donut shop with this bourbon barrel-aged donut imperial stout, Bottle Logic's second outrageous pastry collaboration with Odd By Nature Brewing!

Finite Universe is soft and silky with all that glorious powdered sugar frosting sweetness right at the tip of the tongue and an unmistakable mid-palate hit of the 600 giant cake donuts it was finished through.

It all comes full circle (or full torus) with a bold roast to balance the palate with an almost-coffee-like bitterness. Finished with fresh donuts and sprinkles.

Flughafenstr. 49
12053 Berlin

MON / FRI: 17:00 - LATE
SAT / SUN: 15:00 - LATE