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Bellwoods (CA)


36.84€ / L

Incl. VAT + 0.08€ deposit/pfand

Style: Barrel-Aged Dark Sour
ABV: 8.5%
Size: 500ml
Format: Bottle

A complex barrel-aged dark sour ale that the folks at Bellwoods have brewed and blended many times over the years, consistently refining.

At its roots it's a rich, dark ale, but the time it spends in barrels with Brettanomyces and bacteria harmonizes the ingredients, yielding bright levels of acidity and complimentary fruit flavours.

A foundation of roasted malts lends aromas of chocolate, mocha, and charred wood, while the flavours are firmly rooted in tart berries, black forest cake, and subtle caramel. High, refined carbonation within a dry body.

A hybrid style of sorts, that defies simple categorization.

Flughafenstr. 49
12053 Berlin

MON / FRI: 17:00 - LATE
SAT / SUN: 15:00 - LATE